Privacy made simple

Use your own server to manage your emails, vpn and files.

No need to trust any third party. You are in control. We are here to help.

Privacy in your fingertips

Everything you need to setup your server in seconds like a pro!

ZEST is the first personal server management platform that gives you the power to setup your own server in seconds. We provide you with a dedicated server that is fully managed by us, so you can focus on what matters most: your business.

Say no to multi-tenancy

All of your data lives in your cloud server, not in a multi-tenant database. This separation of data helps to keep your data private.

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The fastest VPN server money can buy

All of your server's resources are dedicated to you and only you. This means that you get the fastest VPN speeds available.

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Dynamic server location selection is a myth

Unveiling the Truth: Dynamic Server Location Selection in VPNs and the Deceptive Mirage of Cost Savings

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Get started today!

Get started today

It’s time to take control of your data.

14 day money back guarantee! Pick your server now

Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email our support team (

    • Is my server belongs only to me?

      Yes. We do not share your server with anyone else. It is a real server and no one else (not even ZEST employees) have access to it.

    • How can I access my server?

      You can access to services running on your server with our clients or using regular email clients like outlook, apple mail etc.

    • Which VPN client should I use?

      Your VPN server is using WireGuard, it's the best in the business. You can use any client that supports WireGuard, we recommend the official WireGuard clients for iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows, and Linux. You can also use the official WireGuard client for your router, or use the WireGuard client built into your router if it supports it or you can use our own clients.

    • Which email client should I use?

      You can use any email client you want, as long as they support IMAP, POP3 and SMTP. We recommend Thunderbird, Evolution, Apple Mail (iOS or macOS), Outlook, or any other client that supports these protocols.

    • How fast is my server's connection?

      Your server is connected to the internet with a 10 gbit connection. This is the fastest connection you can get anywhere in the world. We do not throttle your bandwidth in any way, you can use your full 10 gbit connection 24/7.

    • How much data transfer do I get?

      Your first 1TB of data is included in your monthly fee. If you need more, you can purchase additional data transfer for $10 per TB.

    • Do you store my credit card?

      We don't store credit card information, however you can opt in to have your credit card information stored with our payment processor, Stripe. If you opt in, your credit card information is stored with Stripe, not with us. We do not have access to your credit card information.

    • Can we expect more features?

      Yes, we are working on more features. We will be adding more features to your server in the future, and you will get them for free.

    • Do I own the domain name?

      Yes, you own the domain name. You can transfer it to another registrar at any time. It's your domain name, you own it.